What is Web 3.0 and Why Should You Be curious?

Valentine Enedah
4 min readMar 5, 2022


Web 3.0 is the latest Internet technology that leverages machine learning, artificial intelligence, and the semantic web to achieve real-world human communication. The icing on the cake is that web 3.0 not only allows individuals to own their data but they will be compensated for their time spent on the web.

The semantic web’s main idea is that it recognizes and interprets the data’s context and notion. As a result, when a user looks for an answer, web 3.0 provides the most accurate and relevant result.

Google, Facebook, and Microsoft are a few companies currently making a huge profit from user data. However, web 3.0 will allow us to be paid for our time and data.

WEB 1.0

The earliest stage of the World Wide Web’s evolution is referred to as Web 1.0. In Web 1.0, there were just a few content creators, with the vast majority of users being content consumers. Personal web sites were prevalent, and they mostly consisted of static pages housed on ISP-owned web servers or free web hosting services. Web 1.0 lasted from 1987 to 2004

Four design components are required for a Web 1.0 site:

1. Static pages.

2. Content is served from the server’s file system.

3. Pages built using Server Side Includes or Common Gateway Interface (CGI).

4. Frames and Tables are used to position and align the elements on a page.

WEB 2.0

Web 2.0 refers to websites that emphasize user-generated content, usability, and interoperability for end users all over the world. The participative social web is another name for Web 2.0. It does not refer to a change in a technical definition, but rather to a change in the way Web pages are built and used. The transition is advantageous, although it does not appear to be the case when the changes occur. Web 2.0 allows users to interact and collaborate with one another in a social media dialogue as creators of user-generated content in a virtual community. Web 2.0 is a development of Web 1.0.

Web 2.0 development employs web browser technologies such as AJAX and JavaScript frameworks. AJAX and JavaScript frameworks have recently become highly popular for developing web 2.0 sites.

Web 2.0 has important characteristics:

1. Users can retrieve and categorize information collectively with the help of free sorting.

2. Content that is dynamic and responsive to user input.

3. Through review and online discussion, information flows between the site owner and site users.

4. APIs were created to enable self-use, such as by a software application.

The Use of Web 2.0 includes; Podcasting, Blogging, Tagging, Bookmarking, Social media & networking , Web content voting etc.

WEB 3.0

Web 3.0 relates to the evolution of web usage and interaction, including the conversion of the web into a database. After a long period of focusing on the front-end, it enables the web’s back-end to be upgraded (Web 2.0 has mainly been about AJAX, tagging, and another front-end user-experience innovation). Note: AJAX => Asynchronous JavaScript and XML s a set of web development techniques that uses various web technologies on the client-side to create asynchronous web applications.

Web 3.0 is a word that is used to define several different paths of web usage and interaction. In this case, data is shared rather than owned, and different services display different perspectives of the same site/data

Features of Web 3.0 include;

  1. Semantic Web

The semantic web enhances web technologies that are in demand for creating, sharing, and connecting material through search and analysis based on the ability to comprehend the meaning of words rather than keywords or numbers.

2. Artificial Intelligence

By combining this power with natural language processing, computers in Web 3.0 will be able to discern information in the same way that humans do, resulting in faster and more relevant results. To meet the needs of users, they become increasingly intelligent.

3. Connectivity

Because of semantic metadata, Web 3.0 has made information more connected. As a result, the user experience progresses to a new level of connectivity that takes full advantage of all accessible data.

4 . Ubiquity and 3D Graphics

Multiple applications can access content, and because every device is connected to the internet, the services can be used anywhere.

In Web 3.0, three-dimensional design is frequently used in websites and services. 3D graphics are used in museum tours, computer games, e-commerce, geospatial contexts, and other applications.


Similarly, the Internet of Things (IoT) is gradually transforming society into a more digitally oriented, connected one, Web 3.0 removes any remaining complexities from the web, making it more accessible to a wider audience. Phrases like ‘Show me all of the films that are on at my local cinema tomorrow evening’, ’What is the best meal I can get at KFC’ and ‘What is the next company Elon Musk might be building’ will be perfect examples of a search phrase that will deliver the desired results in the Web 3.0 era.

To improve my Web 3.0 skills, I am currently enrolled in BlockGames, a blockchain training program hosted by Zuri Team and Nestcoin.


  1. https://www.bbconsult.co.uk/blog/what-is-web-3-0-and-will-it-change-our-lives
  2. https://www.singlegrain.com/web3/web-3-0/
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web3
  4. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/web-1-0-web-2-0-and-web-3-0-with-their-difference/



Valentine Enedah
Valentine Enedah

Written by Valentine Enedah

Data guy by day, Batman by night.

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